Monday, 5 January 2009

Hello 2009

OK, so that was a long one. Surely anyone should come back from that extended Christams break fighting fit and ready to go. (cough, hack, sneeze). I need a holiday.

OK so what happens next? Well firstly I have decided. No really really decided that this blog will henceforth be daily. Even if it's only a few words. I'm out and about every day so I really should have more to say about the life of an itinerant Mac fixer upper, even if I edit out all the stuff that will loose all my clients! Lets see how we go. Even if nothing happens I'll try to put up a small snippet of Mac info that may be useful to someone somewhere.

So, what happened recently. Well a rare trip to the local pub just before Christmas found me coincidentally meeting one of the four people that I actually managed to follow on Twitter, which was interesting. Out of a randomly assembled group of four people, all four turned out to use Macs in their work. Several beers later and some interesting plans were mooted. Keep em peeled between now and Easter for stuff happening in the podosphere* as a result.

The DHM mobile failed to make it though the holidays, detonating its engine in Devon on New Years eve, so the hunt is on for a new, estate sized, dog carrying diesel car. This one will get stickered with the DHM logo to within an inch of its life.

OK, enough for a Monday morning. Happy New Year to all.

* I claim this. It's mine.

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